Sunday, December 15, 2013

WSO2 Identity Server – User creation with ask password from user

This post is about the configurations and usage of the WSO2 Identity Server user account creation process by admin which allows the user to enter the password. This feature is included in the WSO2 Identity Server 4.5.0 and on-wards.


When the administrator needs to create user account from the Identity Server management console it gives options to either enter the password by administrator directly or allow user to specify the password. If administrator needs to give the password to user it might become burden to admin since he/she needs to give it to the particular user. During this period admin may loose it before giving it to user. To avoid such situations admin can use the ask password from user option when creating users with Identity Server. 

The user creation page can be accessed by browsing Configure → Users and Roles → Users and clicking on Add new user as shown in the Figure 1.

Figure 1 : Add new user

Figure 2 below shows the management console ui with the ask password from user option selected.

Figure 2 : ask password from user

You need to provide the user's user name and email address. The Identity Server send an email to this address by providing the user with a redirect url in which the user will be directed to provide the password for his/her newly created account by admin.

The supporting web service is hosted in the following WSDL by the Identity Server.


Following operations have been used from the above api.

You can find the sample implementation of this in the web application here.

Now we will see the configurations needed for this functionality.

Configuration for Identity Server

Edit the file with the following located in your Identity Server installation under <is_server>/repository/conf/security/ directory.


Since notification sending is internally managed we need to uncomment the email transportSender in axis2.xml file located under <is_server>/repository/conf/axis2. Search for <transportSender name="mailto" and provide your email details as required.

Make sure the following email template is defined in the email-admin-config.xml under <is_sever>/repository/conf/email directory.

<configuration type="askPassword">
<subject>WSO2 Carbon - Password
Change for New Account</subject>
Hi {first-name}
Please change your password for the
newly created account : {user-name}.
Please click the link below to create
the password.
If clicking the link doesn't seem to
work, you can copy and paste the
link into your browser's address
Best Regards,
WSO2 Carbon Team

Here the <targetEpr> holds the redirect URL which handles the password flow in the sample web application. Also the contents with curly brases {} will be replaced by correct values when generating the email.

Then you need to restart the Identity Server to take effect of the configuration changes.

You need to define the following claim and map it with a valid attribute of your underlying user store. Go to Configure → Claim Management → and select ""  → click on Add New Claim Mapping. Here I'm going to map it with facsimileTelephoneNumber with my ldap user store attribute. Following are the values that I have given. Figure 3 shows the UI for this operation.

Display Name: Identity Password timestamp
Description: Identity Password timestamp
Claim Uri:
Mapped Attribute: facsimileTelephoneNumber

Figure 3: adding a claim

Configuration for sample web application

Once you have downloaded the sample from here you can directly deploy the InfoRecoverySample.war under target directory or you can build it from source.

If you have building from source you need to give the following context configurations in web.xml.
Give your hosted Identity Server urls as below.

Give the trust store path to the Server

Give your admin username and password of the Identity Server.


Also you need to enable the SSL configuration of your web application container. You can give the same key store file as below for tomcat under <tomcat>/conf/server.xml. After this change restart tomcat.
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
               maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"
               keystoreFile="/home/chamath/apps/wso2is-4.5.0-7.18.2-SNAPSHOT/repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks" keystorePass="wso2carbon" />

If you are directly deploying the InfoRecoverySample.war file first you need to deploy and stop and do the above configurations and start again.

Now you are ready to test the functionality.

As shown in the figure 1 go the add new user and select ask password from user option. You need to give the user name and the user's email. Then assign the user to a role which has login permission. And then finish the flow which you will receive a successful user creation message.
User will be receive a email message with password change for new account with confirmation link. As instructed in the email click on the link. You will be directed to a page to enter user name and captcha as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. user name and captcha page

Enter the details and submit which then you will be directed a page to enter the new password.
Now you can test the new password in effect by login into the Identity Server management console by giving the user name and new password.


Sample source code


  1. Hey Chamath, thanks for the post. I have problems following your example, it is documented here: Can you please take a look?
    Thanks in advance, Johannes

  2. Hi Chamath, thanks for explaining this. I have got this working when I create the users in super domain. But when I 'create user with ask password' in a tenant domain, the email is being sent. But from InfoRecoverySample app, the call to verify the confirmation code always fails. It seems that this API doesn't support passing the tenantDomain in https://localhost:9443/services/UserInformationRecoveryService?wsdl
